Why our research matters




Technological excellence underpins our solutions. That's why we invest in research and transfer our knowledge into valuable applications for our global customers.


Since 2021, UBERMETRICS Technologies is part of UNICEPTA Group and builds our competence center for research and development. In addition to our own software development, we have proven to be competent in research projects and their continuous development.


Ubermetrics has been closely integrated into the AI research landscape since 2011. It has participated in expert talks with the German Federal Ministry for Economy and Research as well as the chancellor. It is also a member of the German AI association.

Artificial intelligence helps to detect relevant signals from the growing volume of data at the earliest possible time. It spots risks and detects opportunities.


Research projects


Project 01


News-Polygraph – Detecting manipulated media content

The "news-polygraph" project is funded by the BMBF as part of the "RUBIN - Regional Entrepreneurial Alliances for Innovation" funding program. The objective of the project is to develop a technology platform that uses AI to identify targeted disinformation.



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Project 02


AI4SCM - Monitoring and detection of supply chain risks

The AI4SCM project is funded by the BMBF. The objective is to develop methods for the monitoring and detection of supply chain risks.



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Project 03


Veritas – Verification through Trusted Association

The project aims to support public opinion formation, particularly around health issues, by using and analyzing news, expert and social media texts. AI-based models are researched for structured information processing as well as indicators for the analysis of disinformation.



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Curious? You can find more information about our research activities here. We would also be happy to talk to you personally about this. You can contact us here.

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